Genre Conventions - Titles, Idents, Production Context DRFT


Because we are doing a hybrid genre of the different genres, it is harder to properly label what the conventions for are exact hybrid would look like, however we can see the conventions surrounding the individual genre's and then combine them.


Zombie (horror) Films:
often have an edited ident, with either a tint over the whole ident, or an affect that makes the ident more 'undead'
Often have a black background with a red colour scheme to signify blood
Sound is also often removed from the ident



- Blue tint
Intertextual reference to Halloween opening 
Sans serif font
Commonly used in slashers as its very bold matching music
-Black background 
Use of dark colours with a black background helps anchor preferred reading 


Idents don't often change that much opposed to the originals
Sometimes music is added over as an audio bridge


No consistent changes


serif fonts
often deteriorating in the zombie genre
number stays the same
wording stays the same
Sometimes diegetic titles



immediately opens with a black screen with a sans serif title that's deteriorating, that's coloured mainly white with tints of yellow. The title reads 'Una coprodccion hispano cubana' which is Spanish for 'A Cuban Hispanic co-production'.

This lasts for around 4 seconds before cutting immediately into a extreme long shot, from a birds eye view of a drifting raft in the ocean. There is also an audio bridge of the ocean waves, and this sound is diegetic.
This is the only title at the beginning of the film which connotes to the film company being an Indie film company. This is anchored by the amount of time the title appears and the name of the film, Juan of the Dead quite clearly intertextualises Shaun of the Dead and when the name is almost identical it connotes to the theory of simulacra, a post-modernistic theory

The use of sans serif connotes that the film is either comedy, action, romance, horror or a zombie film genre or a hybrid genre. In addition the deterioration of the title connotes to the zombie film genre. This also intertextualises shaun of the dead, as well as 28 days later which are both part of the zombie genre.

Production Context 

The massive production context element is the fact that a conglomerate of the Big 5 is much more likely to create a zom-rom-com (E.G Shaun of the Dead) as they have higher budget for CGI making the Indie film companies have to rely more on the ability of makeup which is what we'll have to do.

Overall it is unlikely to see a zom-rom-com from an Indie film company however there is an example, being Jaun of the Dead, which so heavily intertextualises Shaun of the Dead it is close to a simulacra, so they may be are approach with this in mind 

Box office of Shaun of the Dead:

Box office of Jaun of the Dead:

This helps show the point because, as expected, the box office is lower for Jaun of the Dead. Of course there is another major factor being that the movie is in Spanish and was released for a Spanish audience, which as shown by the Gant rule, doesn't hold up particularly in box office.

Another aspect is that Jaun of the Dead's distribution came from winning a film festival where as Shaun of the Dead was through guaranteed big 5 distribution which again doesn't help Jaun of the Deads box office 


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