Conventions Research: Key Influences DRFT

Key Influences 

- Shaun of the Dead 
- 28 days later 
- Jaun of the Dead
- About a Boy
- Bridget Jone's Baby
- This is England


All four of us had talked about what titles we would use for our film opening before we split ways, and we all looked through some of the films we had done research into and then used some of the names to intertextaulise some of our key influences. Once we split we just had to change the first few titles 
  • A Bright Films Production
  • In associations with TriHard Productions, scope productions and Spikey Films
  • Luxembourg Film Fund
  • Directed by James David
  • Produced by Nira Park (SOTD)
  • Starring Tristan Plumridge
  • James Whiting
  • Emma Scoble
  • Introducing Nickolas Wilson
  • And with Louis Hodges and Neil Scoble
  • Director of Photography: Michael Bonvillain (Zombie Land)
  • Costume Designer Esmee Young (28 Days Later)
  • Music Score composed by Euan Jenkins
  • VFX by Tom Szenher (Warm Bodies)
  • Hair and Makeup Silvana Gamero
  • Screenplay by Burr Steers (PandPandZ)
  • Edited by Chris Dickens (SOTD)
  • Directed by James David 

We made sure included the fact that the director gets named twice, however I felt that if we did the auteur theory it would be good to show the knowledge but it would be hard to have a certain 'theme' to the film opening as we are directly intertextualising shaun of the dead, and so we needed to reference the Cornetto Trilogy instead


I took inspiration from Jaun of the dead as we are accidentally creating a very similar film opening to theirs as they also directly intertextualised shaun of the dead. In Jaun of the Dead there is only one Ident so in my film opening I am planning to intertextualise that. It also has a ambient sound over it as an audio bridge (and because it was made by an Indie company) so I am going to have an alarm clock over my ident and use that as an audio bridge into the scene


I will have an audio bridge of an ambient alarm clock sound, which connotes the comedy genre and also helps build narrative enigma. We as a group also asked a friends family if they were able to create a cover of the song Ghost town, and they did, so I am going to be using that in my film opening as it is a rock song and connects the horror/ zombie genre. I will also be using the call of duty intro music cover I've made with help from a friend as diegetic sound in the first scene. This starts with slow piano music which connotes the romance genre but switches to a more rock genre type of song to help anchor the zombie genre.

First Shot:

The primary influence is working title's About a boy, as it gives amazing narrative enigma, mis en scene and connotations of genre. It also uses an audio bridge and uses diegetic sound from the TV while using non-diegetic music. With all of this in mind I am going to have a lot of mis en scene in the first shot, and include the sound track from the opening of a game coming from the TV to intertextualise About a boy with the whole 'diegetic intense music coming from who wants to be a billionaire'

Main protagonist:

The main protagonist heavily intertextualises the characters Shaun and Ed in SOTD, as he has a similar outfit and general appearance as Shaun however he has much more of the slobby nature of Ed which is very apparent in the first scene. I will try and anchor this reading as clearly as possible as through use of narrative enigma, rule of thirds and the mis en scene throughout the film opening. It should also help during the scene in which he meats the female protagonist of the film as it should connote Campbells hero's journey.

Mis En Scene

The main influences for the mis en scene ideas are This is England, by Shane Meadows, Bridget Jone's baby and About a boy. All of these films use mis en scene to anchor a location, a characteristic or a genre for their films. So we used a lot of trash and scattered it around  to show the messy side of the protagonist and other points like such to build the narrative enigma at the beginning of the film.

Transitioning to main film: 

My choices here came heavily from Jaun of the Dead being that they have an dilemma at the very beginning of the film (seeing a zombie) and then the run away to do something about it, and that's exactly what my film opening will attempt to do as well.


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