
Showing posts from March, 2020

Welcome to this BLOG!! DRFT

- Sources Used - Films researched

The Final Cut DRFT

Heres the Final Cut of the film opening ... ...

Eval Q4 Integrated Tech DRFT

Eval Q3 Skills Development DRFT

Eval Q2 Audiences (Engagement), Distribution DRFT

EVAL Q1 Conventions, Representations DRFT


To intertextualise SOTD we wanted to use Ghost Town however we have to do our own version of such, so Tristan talked to his friend and their family made a cover of the song as we would have to pay for use of the original due to copyright laws THE ORIGINAL Here is the version we will be using in our opening I also wanted to use the Call of Duty zombies intro theme as ambient diegetic sound in the first scene and we would have to pay for copyright to that too, however myself and two of my musical American friends did a cover of that song and listening to it I think it may work nicely in other aspects of the opening (I did the drums, Drew roggenbaum played guitar and Nick Johnson did editing) ... ... On a personal note I'm extremely happy with the way this turned out, as it was my first time using an electric kit to record actual drumming on. HERES THE ORIGINAL ... ...

Rough Cut 2 DRFT

Rough Cut 1 DRFT


This is the ident for my film company 'Bright Films', this is the ident I'll use at the beginning of my Film opening ... ... In tradition with most horror idents I went with a very dark background As I am an Indie company it has very short screen time (8 seconds to be exact) Horror use serif font and that's why I did too To connote the horror genre I had a very dark ident however the light coming on connotes the comedy genre in the sense that it is a juxtaposition to the darkness

Sample Scenes DRFT

These are all the sample scenes for the film opening ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

Shoot 2 Preparation and reflection DRFT


Shoot 1 preparation and reflection DRFT

I wasn't there for shoot 1 unfortunately, I was extremely ill and didn't want to risk infecting my fellow peers as whatever I had I gave to the rest of my family (It was not a fun week) However All the preparation is in the pre production post and if you want to see how shoot 1 went here's a link to Louis post on it -  Shoot 1 prep and reflection

Pre-Production Overview (Screenplay, shot list, Animatic etc...). DRFT

Pre-production points  Characters: Main  protagonist  - Danny Romero -  Intertextualising   genre  directors ( Danny Boyle ,  George A Romero ) Love interest - Mia Jones Best friend - Fred East -  intertextualises  Fred West, a serial killer 3 to 4 zombies  Extraneous points:   Cornetto trilogy  +  Shaun of the dead  - Cornetto ice cream, like in  Shaun of the dead Shallow focus  (zombie eating body from far away) decaying  title slow zombie movement type, unlike  28 days later Liquid Latex Zombie Make Up I’ve been looking into zombie make up and ways to create a convincing look for the zombies in our film opening. One of the products our teacher generously got us was liquid latex. However none of the members of our group have experience with liquid latex so I’ve looked into how to use it and what effects can be done using it. 1 video I liked, for the tutorial as well as the end effect. The video: ...  ... So knowing how to use the product, I w